Resolved Problems

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Over the years Goolge has flagged a number of problems with Jekyll that is used for this blogging site. The following are solutions to the problems:

Problem: Video page indexing issue(s) - 10-February-2022

The blogging site uses embbeded YiouTube videos that were causing the problem. Using the Inspect the page URL, then click Test live URL > View tested page > Screenshoot showed that Google could not determinbe the prominent video on the page. The problem that was giving the message was that the video had been blocked by the CORS policy: No’Access-Control-Allow-Origin’header is present on the requested resource.

Searching through YouTube Embedded Players and Player Parameters showed that additional parameters had to be added to the embbeded YouTube call:

<iframe width="560" height="315"
src="//{particular YouTube video}?enablejsapi=1&origin={url of blogging web site}"

to resolve the problem and improve security.