There’s growing concern that the decline in nature will have an adverse effect on the UK’s financial system. But managing this risk is based on a flawed analysis.
The UK government has started to wake up to the decline in nature because of its affect the stability of the financial system. In a recent letter from the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer, to the Governor of the Bank of England it was stressed that the climate and nature crisis is the greatest long-term global challenge that the UK faces and that it should be included in their analysis of risk to the financial stability of the country. Along with government concerns there is a growing consultancy industry with companies whose names include ‘Nature Capital’ or ‘Green Finance’, which is a sign that the topic is slowly moving up the country’s political and business agendas.
Nature Capital, as defined by the ONS, is “ … comprised of all the ecosystem services that UK natural assets provide; natural assets include soil, air, water and all living things.” The UK’s nature capital has declined by 10% between 2010-2018. However, most definitions of nature capital are riddled with problems. For example, the United Nation’s Ecosystem Accounting, which are guidelines to developing an accounting system for nature, is over 400 pages long and is too abstract to be of any practical use. Another problem is that the value of a capital asset such as machinery depreciates over time through its use in making products. Nature is a living asset whose health has declined through farming practices and therefore the decline needs to be reversed if it is going to sustain the next generation.
Underlying most speeches about nature capital is the The Dasgupta Review which tried to identify the economic value of nature. But like most things it tends to focus on the big things such as trees and water which are easy to value because we already consume them in some form. The smaller things, that are difficult to see and we don’t consume, only get a few passing comments in the report. For example, checking the report for my favourite species - insects - they get a mention in a few sentences to illustrate that some natural assets move about. Insects are at the bottom of the food chain but a world without them would mean it would be severely depleted. For example, it takes 200,000 insects to raise a swallow chick to adulthood. Insects also break down plant matter and help recycle nutrients into the soil. Without any insects at all, most bird and amphibian species would be extinct in about two months. Without insects, we could still grow many foods, but onions, cabbage, broccoli, chillies, most varieties of tomato, coffee, cocoa and most fruits would be off the menu. So would sunflower and rapeseed oil.
The fundamental flaw in the approach of capitalising nature is that it takes no account of biodiversity. As the financial system starts to concentrate on the parts of nature that we consume, biodiversity will be left behind and continue to decline. The government should face up to the problem rather than passing it around and create positive policies for biodiversity - then take action before it is too late!